Our mission is to help people reach their physical and mental wellness goals. Whether you need help to focus, relax or re-energise, adding fungi extracts to your daily routine can help you get there. We also believe in taking control over what goes into our bodies. All the active compounds in our products come from fungi only. We don’t use fillers now and we never will.
Our Story
Pure Fungi was founded by four family members coming together to support peoples health and well-being with high-quality fungi extracts. Unable to find products that shared our values of purity and sustainability, we decided it was time to make our own - and so Pure Fungi was born. We’ve been using extracts for years. And medicinal fungi has been around for centuries. But not many people know just how impressive these organisms are. By making it easier to incorporate fungi into your daily routine, we want more people to discover how it can improve both mental and physical wellness.